About Us
U Kar Ka Food Testing Laboratory has been established since 2020. We provide sophisticated and advanced analytical services for businesses, industries, and other sectors. At the moment, we offer more than 35 test parameters for nutritional, microbiological, chemical, and water testing services in the fields of agricultural and food production businesses.
One of the leading food analytical laboratories in Myanmar

The First ISO 17025:2017 accredited Private Analytical Laboratory in Upper Myanmar, U Kar Ka Food Testing Laboratory is to provide its customers with high quality testing services delivered on time and augmented with reliable test results and the best customer service possible each and every time.
We are an accredited nutritional analysis laboratory by Quality & Accreditation Institute (QAI ), India and ISO 17025:2017 registered Laboratory as well. We are taking responsibilities to fulfill every need of all our customers in Upper Myanmar as well as Mandalay Region through modern analysis instruments.

Our services